Village Of Clinton

Building Inspection, Codes Enforcement, and Fire Inspection

Brad Dunda

100 North Park Row
P.O. Box 242
Clinton, NY 13323
(Village Office) 315-853-5231, 315-271-7738
The Building Inspector/Codes Enforcement Officer/Fire Inspector issues building permits and enforces the code of the Village. Permits are required for fences, signs, building alterations, additions, solar panels, swimming pools, and building demolition or removal. Please note, granted building permits are only for the work approved. Work performed outside the scope of an approved building permit will result in the issuance of a Stop Work OrderThe Application for a building permit is below in the Documents section.

Note, the Village of Clinton issues building permits for only Village of Clinton properties. Properties located in the Town of Kirkland must obtain a permit through the Town of Kirkland Planning and Codes Office: 315-853-3350, Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM. to 1:30 P.M. ( 



The solar permit (additional) forms below in the Documents section of this page include both the general Village of Clinton solar forms and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDANew York State Unified Solar Permit Application. Both sets or forms must be completed. 
Please note, some projects will also first need Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Clinton Historic Preservation Commission and/or secondly resolution issued by the Village Planning Board. Please see the links below. Generally, these projects go to the C.H.P.C. first, then to the Village Planning Board, and finally to the Building Inspector. Planning Board resolutions and building permits will not be issued to projects that are located in the  Clinton Historic District and have not first received a Certificates of Appropriateness if one is required
Hours of Operation:
As the Codes Officer is a part-time position, please schedule by appointment. They do not have set office hours.
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