Village Of Clinton
Boards and Committees


Clinton Historic Preservation Commission

Table Of Contents:

The C.H.P.C. meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Board Room of Lumbard Memorial Hall. It issues Certificates of Appropriateness for projects that are located in the Clinton Historic District. Please note, Certificates of Appropriateness are only for the work approved. Work performed outside the scope of the Certificate will result in the issuance of a Stop Work OrderThe Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is below in the Documents section.


Please note, some projects will also need a resolution issued by the Village Planning Board and/or a building permit issued by the Building Inspection and Codes Officer after approval by the C.H.P.C. Please see the links below. Generally, these projects go to the C.H.P.C. first, then to Village Planning Board, and finally to the Building Inspector. Planning Board resolutions and building permits will not be issued to projects that are located in them Clinton Historic District and have not first received a Certificates of Appropriateness if one is required



In accordance with the provisions of Local Law #1-2021 an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness, accompanied by the documentation required herein, shall be submitted to the Clinton Historic Preservation Commission for review and approval prior to initiation of the project in question. 

Notwithstanding any inconsistent ordinance, local law, code, rule, or regulation concerning the issuance of Building Permits, no change in any exterior architectural feature in the Historic District shall be commenced without a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Clinton Historic Preservation Commission, nor shall any building permits for such change be issued without such a Certificate of Appropriateness having first been issued. The Certificate of Appropriateness required shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any building permit that may be required by any ordinance, local law, code rule or regulation of the Village of Clinton, New York.


Proceeding with property renovations, additions, etc. within the purview of Local Law #1-2021 said property being located within the Clinton Historic District, without filing an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness, or in advance of such filing, is at the risk of the Applicants In the event of no application having been filed, or the application having been denied, the Applicant may be required to return the property to its previous state, at the expense of the property owner or Applicant as the case may be. 



If the C.H.P.C. has a minimal agenda and no applications were submitted during the month preceding the meeting month, the meeting may be cancelled.


While it is not mandatory that an applicant or applicant’s representative attend a meeting, it is highly encouraged so that any questions about the project can be answered immediately. If unresolved questions or issues remain, the application will most likely not be approved and delay the Certificate of Appropriateness being issued.  


The deadline for filing an Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is the Thursday before the meeting date.




Scott Jackson ()
Phone: 518-339-8511
Term: 3/31/25
Kristine Bellona ()
Co-Vice Chairperson
Phone: 315-853-4080
Term: 3/31/26
Elizabeth Beardsell ()
Co-Vice Chairperson
Phone: 315-859-5917
Term: 3/31/24
Susan Sweetland ()
Recording Secretary
Phone: 315-853-3672
Term: 3/31/26
Howard Schaffer ()
Phone: 315-853-6627
Term: 3/31/25
Linda McHarris ()
Phone: 315-794-8365
Term: 3/31/24
Mary Lou Lauchert ()
Phone: 315-853-7631
Term: 3/31/23
Corrine Gates ()
Alternate Commissioner
Phone: 315-853-8378
Term: 3/31/23
Mary Swinchatt ()
Alternate Commissioner
Phone: 678-447-7810
Term: 3/31/23
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